California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA)
Notice: Inviting Interested Contractors for the 2024 Informal Bid List
Pope Valley Union Elementary School District (PVUESD) has adopted the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA), and invites all interested licensed contractors to submit their company for inclusion on the PVUESD’s informal bidding contractors list for all trades for calendar year 2024, pursuant to public contract codes 22032 and 22034 – CUPCCAA. (Companies must resubmit each year).
Contractors must submit a vendor application to be included on the bid list even if your company has submitted an application in prior years. All trade categories, for any public works project that is estimated to be below $200,000, is subject to the informal bidding procedures set forth by the State of California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission. All licensed contractors are subject to verification through the California state license board.
Please be advised this does not automatically guarantee you will be informed of, or included in, all RFQ, RFP, or bid requests. Notices will be sent out for the category of work being bid. PVUESD may also announce project opportunities in designated trade journals.
Pursuant to SB 854, no contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid for a public works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the DIR per California Labor Code Section 1725.5.
Companies wishing to be placed on Pope Valley Union Elementary School District’s informal bidding contractors list will need to complete PVUESD’s informal bidding pre-qualification questionnaire.